Twisted Maven Intro Part II – I Know What I Know


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance” – Confucius

What topics would you like to discuss and/or know more about? I’m asking you, dear reader, for input, because I have no particular type of wisdom that’s been bequeathed to me. I only know what I know, based on past and current experiences. And the majority of that knowledge is kind of limited.  For example, I’m a decent cook. I know how to cook for two, I can prepare of delightful buffet of deliciousness for a crowd, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out a single complete meal that four people who live under the same roof will eat on any given weeknight.

Other things I kind of know about:

I know how to straighten a house, and can surely help anyone with organization techniques. You give me a few days of your life, I will have you organized in such a way that you don’t even notice how organized you are.  Your closets, your office, your schedule, I will have everything within reach to the point where anything seems possible. At my home? Just shush. Do as I say, not as I do. I know where some things are, and that’s all I need to know. Until I don’t know where they are, and everyone better just stay out of my way until I find them. Also, please do not peek in my windows. It’s Level 10 chaos with some of my shit, a little bit of his shit, and then ALL of their shit.

I also know how to clean. Like, CLEAN clean. Before kids, my floors were so clean you could actually call the 5-second rule and not have any fear of harmful germs or debris leaping onto your chip that you dropped guac-side down on my floor. Then I got a dog, and realized that she was really good at making my floors appear clean.  Then, two kids and one dead dog later, I realized how disgusting my floors are on a daily basis. I periodically work to remedy that.

I can make some stuff. I swear I’ll be launching my jewelry Etsy shop one of these days (or years). I’m also a VERY amateur knitter…if you’d like a too-short or too-long or too-wide scarf with some dropped stitches in it, let me know, you can pick one out of my collection. Same knit hats. I’ve not had any formal training besides reading some books and watching some knitting videos on YouTube, and it shows. Anyway, I know a few kinds of stitches, and I tend to knit while I drink wine and watch TV.

Hat photo 1

(my first attempt at knitting a hat a couple of years ago…I am marginally better now)

I sort of know how to follow directions. If I purchase something that needs putting together, like desks, shelving, media stands, lamps, chairs, appliances…I can assemble the shit out of that shit, and usually with only completely disassembling and righting the direction of the parts once. Or twice.

Other: I used to know how to change brake pads on a car, but that skill hasn’t been tested in a couple of decades. I can remodel everything but the floor of a bathroom. I can rehab furniture.  I can tell a joke and I’m a decent storyteller. I can listen without judgement or interjecting, except to let you know that I hear you. I can make a room feel welcoming. I can keep two children alive and healthy and (mostly) happy. So far. We’re just entering the tween and teen years, so let’s reserve judgement on that for a bit.

There’s also a shitton of stuff that I CAN’T do or have difficulty with. Like moving through the world with anything that resembles dexterity and grace, seeing tasks and projects through to completion, having any conversation with other adults without an abundance of cursing, and making decisions in the moment, because I have to overthink absolutely everything ever. Just in case you were under the impression that I’m some sort of freaking superstar, I just wanted to gently remind you that I’m human.

All of the above wraps up into this: Despite my limitations and mistakes, and because of my knowledge and successes, I do desire to leave this world just a little bit better than I found it. Which leads me back to the question at the beginning of this entry: what topics would you like to discuss and/or know more about? Because yes, this is my blog, so it’s mainly about, well, ME, but I also want to know about YOU. My ultimate mission is being able to provide you with content that makes you smile, makes you nod your head in agreement, helps you feel understood, and helps you feel connected as you navigate this dumb thing we call “adulthood”. So please, leave a comment, send me an email (, share with your friends, hit the “like” button, and follow The Twisted Maven! 

Until next time…

Just Breathe.

The Twisted Maven