March Forward, Women!

“There is a growing strength in women but it’s in the forehead, not the forearm” – Beverly Sills

The month of March is designated as Women’s History Month in several countries, inspired by International Women’s Day, occurring on March 8th. The day and the month are set aside to recognize of the contributions of women and to support gender equality.

The concept dates back to the early 20th century, when, in 1909, a National Women’s Day was observed in the United States, in recognition of the 1908 protests in New York City by garment workers against their poor working environment.

The idea spread across the pond to Europe and beyond over the the rest of the century, and in 1975, the United Nations designated March 8th as International Women’s Day.

This year, Women’s History Month honors “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence.” According to the National Women’s History Alliance, “…the drive for nonviolent change has been championed by visionary women. These women consciously built supportive, nonviolent alternative and loving communities as well as advocating change.” I’ve been reading about the history of some of the women advocates, and it’s fascinating and inspiring.

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day was the promotion of gender balance, in the workplace, in education, in communities, everywhere. Cool concept, right?

Although, if I’m being real, I don’t believe that kind of equity is not going to happen in the near future. While tremendous advances have been made with respect to gender equality over the past few decades, I fear that the current U.S. political atmosphere is going to do nothing to advance the cause of equality, and not just gender equality. In fact, I feel like it’s moving actively against it. I do hope, however, that we can stop the pendulum swing well before I get shipped off to the Colonies, and in time for my daughters to know greater parity in life than I have.

That said, this month and day needs to recognized, not so much as a celebration, but as a reminder to commit ourselves to lift one another up. A reminder that over half the world’s population is female, and therefore, the future has to be inclusive.

Pontification and politics aside, I would like to give a few shout-outs to the kinds of women who should be acknowledged during this month, as well as every single other month on the calendar:

The women working their way through post-secondary education efforts, whether it’s a technical or trade school, college, grad school or beyond. Those who are paying their bills and putting in their time, so they can make a contribution to the workforce as well as their families.

The survivors of sexual and domestic abuse, who were able to remove themselves and their children/siblings/parent from that situation. Also, to those women and girls who may not have a choice but to stay and endure, may they find the resources and strength to persevere and survive.

The women who provide knowledge, guidance and love and support to children who are not their own, every single day, as caretakers and teachers.

The divorced women who have every other weekend without their kids, and do what they want on those weekends off without guilt, knowing that when it’s their weekend “on”, there is no “off” button.

The women who are defying gender stereotypes in their chosen professions, whether as executives, blue collar workers, scientists, and everything else in between that has been traditionally male-dominated.

The women who have lost their spouses to violence, illness, or abandonment, who do their best every freaking day to maintain a healthy and happy household.

The women who have decided that getting married and/or having children is not for them. By the way, they have absolutely no need to hear, from anyone, that they’ll surely change their minds, else they will regret it when they’re older.

The women who stand up! The women who call out misogynistic behavior by their male co-workers, friends, family and strangers. Those who refuse to be bystanders, but rather, are stand-by-hers.

The women who are stay-at-home mothers, who decide to exit (or not enter) the workforce so that they can devote their time to their children and their household. As with the decision to not have children, this is not a situation to be judged or commented on.

The women who volunteer for schools, sports teams, libraries, and elsewhere in their communities and beyond, for the sole purpose of giving.

The women who disrupt! The women who put on pink hats and marched. The record number of women who have run for public office over the last couple of years, who are doing their best to tamp down the patriarchy. The women who start campaigns, take to the streets, address the government directly, and more, in order to defend basic human rights, women’s rights to biological autonomy, as well as our most vulnerable members of society.

The women who are unfailingly champions of other women. Those who mentor, support, and uplift; whether in academic, personal or professional settings.

The women of every day. The women you work with, are friends with, are related to. The women who ask if they can help you find anything while you’re shopping, the women who compassionately provide health services, the women who deliver food to your table while you’re dining out, the women who give you understanding nods and high-fives with their eyes when you’re struggling with a toddler tantrum in the grocery store, or a scornful teenager in a dressing room.

Please understand that this is by no means a comprehensive list of women who deserve acknowledgement. There are so many more that are occurring to me even as I write this, but this is at least a start.

So I ask you to take notice. See and understand the women around you. Notice the woman shopping next to you, who is wearing a beautiful skirt, and tell her. See the woman in the minivan in the drive through line ahead of you, and pay for her coffee and the muffins she’s getting for her kids. Hear the woman in your doctor’s office whose voice is straining as she’s being made to wait more than an hour for her appointment, and talk to her. Listen to your friend, who is saying she is fine, but her tone and body language is telling you something different. Ask the woman, who appears to be struggling with her packages at the post office, if you can assist her.

And kindly indulge me and thank your mom, your grandmother, your aunts, cousins, your best friends, and anyone else who has been an important woman in your life. Even if it’s a silent thought of gratitude, these are the kinds of women who have helped make YOU the undeniably unique, incredible woman that you are.

Lastly, I give you the words of A.A. Milne, speaking through Christopher Robin, as what you need to know about yourself: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know. “

Until next time,

Just Breathe…

The Twisted Maven

©, 2019

Staying Informed Without Becoming Disconnected – A Guide

“It’s easy to be cynical about American politics. It’s more important not to be.” – Andy Dunn

If you’re sort of like me, those clever social media algorithms have got your feeds chock full of political posts. Along with ads for products or services that you’ve only thought about in passing and then BOOM, there’s ads for clothing, skin care products, and men’s underwear that purports to keep the Senate and House high and dry and in their proper places alongside the Executive Branch.

If you’re actually like me, whenever you check your social media pages or email, you are barraged with the the crazy, unbelievable, shocking, mostly-true-but-sure-some-is-exaggerated, awful things happening in our society because of, encouraged by, or not discouraged by, the current U.S. administration. Or, if you’re on the other side of the political spectrum, how freaking awesome our current president is. (Personal aside: he’s not freaking awesome.)

And if you are me, you’ve found yourself overwhelmed by all of the information, but you keep reading, taking mental notes, checking sources, sharing, and before you know it, it’s time to make dinner and you’re so mentally exhausted that cooking something that doesn’t involve the microwave is just too much.

I have been thisclose to being burnt out on news and politics and social issues for longer than I care to admit. But my inner voice, my inner liberal, feminist voice keeps urging me to stay vigilant, keep up the good fight, and for heaven’s sake DO SOMETHING! But…what do I do? How do I do it? Where do I start? What can I do? I could seriously spend all of my time being an activist and advocate, but my family would be homeless and how would I get anything else done?

If you’ve been asking yourself any of these questions, regardless of the side of the political aisle you are on, please read on, because I’ve got some suggestions on how to stay informed and be an advocate for your social and political beliefs, without neglecting the entire rest of your life.

Seek out what amuses you.
For me, this is a big priority, as I wrote about recently. If I go a day without laughing, it’s a really bad sign for those around me. I have a couple of friends with whom I exchange punny jokes, other friends who send me hilarious memes nearly every day, family members who send me pictures and videos of what they’re up to (I have really adorable and hilarious human nieces as well as some adorable and hilarious doggos in my family), and groups and individuals that I communicate with in various forums who keep me informed, grounded and can make me giggle until I snort or cry or both.

Know your news sources.
Please do this. There is so much information out there, and it is easy to read piece after piece that you get yourself in a tizzy and can’t even tell what is fact and what is opinion.

There have been several charts in circulation that indicate where several news sources fall on the factual and political leanings spectrum, such as the one created by Media Bias (Google it!). If you want unbiased and thorough news, you can see which sources are the strongest in that area. If you want to read stuff that reinforces your personal, completely biased and narrow worldview, then head all the way to the right or the left (okay, but please don’t do that).

Personally, I stick with the as-thorough-and-unbiased-as-possible as my go-tos, as well as my verification sources for information I may read from sources outside that bubble.

Be present.
This isn’t very difficult, but it also isn’t very difficult to NOT be present. I’ve done it. I’ve read an article that someone has shared, based solely on the headline, then the comments on the article, then the comments on my friend’s post, then I’ve had to comment, and then counter comment, and then…well, you get the idea. So, I’ve been putting the phone down more. Being 100% present for whatever task needs my attention, for my kids, for actual conversations with other human beings.

Okay, maybe 93% present. Because there are definitely those moments when my kid is going on and on and on and on and ON about some minute detail of their day while I’m daydreaming about having a nanny to listen to these inane one sided conversations while I’m sipping cocktails poolside. But truthfully, shutting down the outside noise during family time has definitely benefited all of us.

Use your time wisely. Instead of getting into a heated argument with a person who is on the complete opposite end of the social and political spectrum with you on someone else’s feed whom you barely know, do something that actually makes a difference, no matter how small. The number of people who have completely reversed their thinking in a comment thread probably hovers around zero. And for crap’s sake, if you absolutely MUST comment, don’t call names and stick to facts.

So what to do? Call your local and state representatives and let them know how you feel about what is going on. Just do a quick internet search, and you will be able to quickly find information about contacting your politicians and where they stand on issues important to you. Also, seek out organizations that represent issues that are important to you, and contribute to their cause, be it through a monetary donation, signing a petition on their behalf, following any suggestions they may have to otherwise support them, or just be aware of what may happen to affect them and determine what you can do to help. These activities take minutes, and are much more productive than getting angry at a stranger or even a friend or family member.

Another thing to look for are local social and/or political groups. I was led to one in my community, and one of their priorities is to connect people with the causes most important to them, not sending everyone everywhere to do everything. So I let them know, my top priorities are women’s reproductive rights and protection of the environment. And that’s where my energies with this group are focused. Not all day, all the time, but a purposeful, focused effort, WHEN I AM ABLE.

Do something that makes a difference.
I’ve just started by sixth season coaching Girls on the Run in my community. And I can say that, besides passing my stellar genes along to my daughters, this might be the best thing I’ve ever done. Giving my time and attention to these kids has changed my life, and hopefully theirs as well. Now, this particular effort of mine is definitely a time investment, but there are other things you can do that cost minimally in time, expense, and effort, but that can make a difference.

For example, my kids and I do what we call a “reverse advent calendar” in December. Every day, my kids would open their Lego advent calendar, and then go to the pantry and find a non-perishable food item to put in a basket. After the holidays, we brought the goods to the local food pantry. It took seconds out of our days, just a little money out of my wallet, and about 15 minutes to drive it to the food pantry to drop it off.

In addition, my kids and I are planning a garden now, to be implemented in the spring, so that we can make a difference in our own lives by being more self-sufficient, eat healthy things, and hopefully gain an appreciation for the work involved and the reward of growing our own food.

Take care of yourself.
You should do this all the time anyway, but in case your soul is feeling heavy from what feels like all the insanity around us, and your body is feeling heavy from eating all of your feelings (guilty…sooooo guilty), give yourself a break. Take a yoga class, get outside when the sun is shining, make sure you get enough sleep, keep in touch with people, read good books, drink enough water, move your body and eat your veggies!

Do you have other suggestions for staying aware but keeping balance? If so, please leave them in the comments section! And please like and share!

Until next time,

Just Breathe…

The Twisted Maven

© 2019

Laugh After Wrath

“In the interest of keeping my sanity, I’ve been relying on bad jokes.”

“Just scream! You vent, and the body feels good after a good old yell.” – Carol Burnett

Okay, here’s the thing: I’ve been stuck in The BLAH for a few weeks now, and I am just done with it. I thought maybe writing about it would help, and it did, albeit temporarily.

I guess it’s partly the time of year, since it’s still all cold and dark and spring is still forever away. I’m also feeling kind of oldish, as I’ve recently realized that I recognize fewer and fewer “celebrities” listed in those stupid listicles that I JUST HAVE to read. Plus my back always kind of hurts and acid reflux is an enemy to be battled daily. And I really need to dust.

To be honest, a big contributing factor to my BLAH is current events and politics. The state of things have me thisclose to LOSING MY FRICKING MIND.

The glut of information we have at our fingertips is incredible. The glut of MISinformation we have at our fingertips is astounding. And the number of people who will share blatant falsehoods and then defend their bullshit to anyone who tries to correct them is infuriating. Some days it feels like everyone is yelling and angry all the time, and civil discourse between people who disagree has all but disappeared.

Look, I am totally guilty to falling down the rabbit hole of news outlets and social media posts. And recently, I’ve been especially guilty of consuming lots of news and opinions that make me furious. Which means I’ve been in an almost constant state of facepalming, punctuated by frequent bouts of dismay and anger.

Me, after spending three hours, or maybe just five minutes, on Twitter.

In the interest of keeping my sanity, aside from screaming into the void, I’ve decided it’s time to take a breath and look for the funny. I can always find memes that make me laugh, but recently, bad jokes have been what lifts my mood. Some call them “Dad Jokes”, but to be honest, I’m the one telling them in my household.

So, as a temporary distraction from news and politics, I offer you the following:

Dude 1: “Bro, you want to see, this pamphlet?” Dude 2: “Bro, sure”

What do you call an overweight psychic? A four-chin teller.

What fish is just two sodium atoms? 2 Na

What did the nut say when it was chasing the other nut? I’m a cashew.

A cheetah and a lion race. The cheetah wins, and the lion says, “You’re a cheetah!”. The cheetah says, “Nah, you’re lion.”

Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but de Brie.

How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!

The difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are $2.00, but deer nuts are under a buck.

Finally, this favorite: Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.

That last one is legendairy.

Until next time…

Just Breathe…

The Twisted Maven